Monday 8 February 2010


I want to bust a myth. The myth that British people have good manners. We don't!

Shop assistants are surly. If you didn't make an effort to speak to them it would be possible to have a silent transaction except for the muttered price. I had a coupon from The Times for money off a book in Smith's and the assistant actually TUTTED when I gave it to him. Like scanning it was SUCH hard work! It totally freaks shop assistants out when you get to the counter and ask "How are you?". The surly 20 year olds don't know what to do! I suspect its not in the manual...! One of my friends was saying she was fed up with the assistants in one of the grocery stores asking "Do you have anything planned for later", "Are you having a good day" as it was so obviously something they've been told to ask. I actually like that as you can usually get them chatting a bit (and go off-script) and its better than scanning in silence.

Blokes do not open doors. I was spoiled in the US when men used to practically sprint across the lobby to get to the door first so they could hold it open, but I knew that was something that was pretty much long gone in the UK. What gets me know is that no-one says thank you when you hold the door open for them. Its particularly noticeable in work with the guys under 30, but I kinda put that down to them having their minds on other, more technical things. Or perhaps its an age thing...perhaps all blokes under 30 are so used to having doors swing shut on them that they are rendered speechless when someone holds a door open! Blokes under 30 are not the only offenders though! I was going into a shop on Saturday and there was a lady of middle years coming down the stairs on her way out the store. I smiled and held the door open for her as anyone surely would, right? Instead of a thank you I got silence...and a humdinger of a filthy look! Yes, you read that right - she gave me a dirty look!! For what? Being courteous? Not letting the door go in her face? There was definitely 'tude going on!!

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