Saturday 6 February 2010

Panda Rant Pt 2

Tai Shan, and another panda born in Atlanta, are being sent back to China. This is causing a few issues....

"Hell-o! Why is nobody listening to me? Did no-one call Rob for me? The Obama girls love me...surely their daddy could have done something....? No? Nothing? No-one is gonna help me out here? I'm being shoved on a plane to China and I'm not even getting to fly Business? Are you kidding me? The very least you could have done was call the airline and get me an upgrade...

This new guy is here talking to my BFF Nicole who tucks me into bed at night and brings me my snacks. He keeps trying to speak to me, but its, like, he's totally like speaking a whole different language or something. I mean, what does "fan hui dao nin de qin shi" mean exactly? I hope someone is working on getting me a translator, because that didn't sound like something I want to eat! And what IS this stuff they keep bringing me to eat? Its like totally weird. Maybe steamed bread is a delicacy here or something. Whatever! I'm not going to eat it. I want my delicate, grown specially in the gardens of DC by my adoring public, bamboo shoots...and I want them NOW!

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