Friday 23 May 2008

The Grand Finale

Well, rather disappointingly, Tim didn't make the effort with the sequins when he came round to watch the finale of Dancing with the Stars on Tuesday, but I he did admit that we could check Fake Tan off the list! It was a great show and the predicted winner came through victorious! Unlike American Idol last night, which was more of a surprise! It was a great results show, but I know that some of you watch it in the UK and won't have seen it yet, so I won't spoil the surprise. All I'll say is that the winner is called David...

All the TV shows are coming to an end this week as Summer officially starts on Monday which is Memorial Day and all of America moves outdoors until Labour Day at the beginning of September. Every night this week there have been umpteen finales as all the shows ties up the loose ends and leave you with a stonking cliffhanger to ensure that you stay interested when September rolls around. Our DVD is stuffed full with shows we still have to watch - and will probably never get round to watching either!

My little sweetie came home last night. He dropped me an e-mail from the golf course yesterday afternoon to say that he was coming back home last night and bringing Simon with him. So I duly cleaned the guest bathroom, made up the bed and generally cleaned like a woman possessed...only to discover when he turned up at 10pm that he was alone!! Ah well, I'm sure the effort wasn't in vain...I have two perfect rooms available for the next visitors!

We've just done a quick run round Target as we're off for a(nother) holiday on Saturday and I needed "stuff" - nail polish remover, shampoo, books - you know - stuff!! I also needed shorts and there was no time at all to go to a mall and look in clothes shops, so hopefully the ones I grabbed are okay and won't make me look like Lofty from It Ain't Half Hot Mum. Now I just need to find time to do a quick Mani/Pedi and all the other stuff girls need to do before a holiday!!

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