Tuesday 20 May 2008

Laundry or Golf - Stephen makes his choice

Why is it that holiday washing seems to multiply in the case on the way back in the plane? I don't know where it all comes from, but I'm still doing laundry 3 days after we got home!! Stephen has disappeared over to Lansdowne (luxury hotel, spa and golf resort) for a 1 1/2 day conference which is taking the best part of 3 days (!) due to golf and has left me alone with the Tide and the Downy...He couldn't have planned it better really! Still, I'd better get it all done as we're off on hols with Hils and Paul at the weekend and can't be running out of undies before the next packing session...

Paul has been my KISA this week as Stephen has run off to Lansdowne with the car. This has been pretty much the only time this year when we could have done with having two...not bad really. It gets us into the groove for coming back to the UK and being economical and eco-friendly by only running one car...what am I saying?? Fat chance of that!!!

The final of Dancing with the Stars is on tonight, and Tim from the office is coming round to watch it with me. I need to go and prepare myself for the occasion - get my fake tan out, my sequins on and practise shaking my booty... I'll let you know if Tim has gone to the same trouble!

I've just been a clever clogs and managed to work out how to insert a hit counter on here. I'll now be able to see just how few of you actually read it!!!

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