Saturday 31 October 2009

Catch up

We had a lovely night out with Richard and Justine last week. There is (another) new Indian restaurant opened up in Malvern so we decided to give it a try and I'm very glad we did! Stephen and I were very excited when we saw the menu. We think the chef may have worked in Scotland as there were the twin delicacies of spicy red onions with the poppadoms and vegetable pakora - practically the only starter available in Scotland it is so popular! The food was delicious and exceptional value. Richard had a lamb shank which was fall off the bone tender and, despite giving each of us big hunks of it, he still had to get a doggy bag for the leftovers!

We had a moment of enforced romanticism at the end of the meal when the restaurant (and a part of Malvern) was plunged into darkness thanks to a power cut. They brought extra candles along with a dish of mints, bird seed and what tasted like minty Edinburgh Rock. Delish!

Saturday had been quite a good day all told. I had a facial to try and get rid of the ever-present spots (we tried electrocuting them this time), then bare-faced and spotty we went shopping in Worcester. I got a couple of nice skirts, a nice jumper and cardigan and a pair of adorable ballet slippers in lilac suede with pink suede buckles from Office. As an added bonus they matched the cardigan, but that was pure co-incidence. I would have bought them anyway!!!

Sunday was less fun. I was doing the laundry, and it began to rain so I couldn't hang it out. I spent hours constantly on the go hanging things over radiators and screens. It really was resembling a laundry! I am now desperately trying to work out where we can fit a tumble dryer as I really cannot function without one. I wonder if you can get the American style stacked numbers over here. I could maybe move the fridge/freezer..... Hmmmm. One to think about.

We're really thinking about how we use the rooms as there are some we barely go into. The dining room is a bone of contention....only ever used for family gatherings as we have a dining kitchen anyway. Stephen wants to turn it onto a home cinema and I...well I'm not sure! Perhaps if he agreed to move the giant TV out of the sitting room so at least one room downstairs wasn't visually dominated at the end of the process!

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