Friday 23 October 2009

Whoa...what happened to singing in tune??

Oh my goodness. I'm sitting here watching a replay of the X Factor. I've missed a few acts - perhaps the good ones who can sing were on at the beginning - but the acts I've seen are pretty bad! Does no-one care about singing in tune??

Admittedly the first act I saw tonight was the twins - who came out and sang Britney's "Oops I did it again". Blokes in red PVC suits singing Brit and trying to dance along with 10 clones of the woman in leathers and biker helmet from the Zovirax advert - hilarious in a "car crash TV" kind of way, but not a Great Talent in the Making!!!

Stacey sang "At Last" which worked - mostly. But I had to smile when she speaks as she turns into a character from the Catherine Tate show. Amibovvered? Hysterical!

And what's going on with the judges?? They were nice!!!! Perhaps I'm looking back at American Idol with slightly rose-tinted spectacles, but I'm sure if a contestant came out and didn't hit the notes even Paula would have had something to say about their tuning. And there were a lot of tuning issues in the bit I saw!!!

STOP PRESS: Just watching the round up - and YAY! Simon was critical of someone's tuning! I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with my hearing!!!!

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