Sunday 22 November 2009

Oh Knickers!

We popped into the grocery store today and after about 10 minutes I was desperate to hit the checkouts and get the hell out of the store...and yet gormless Stephen was wandering about on his own in the slowest possible way, looking for 3D glasses. He even at one point looked directly at me, then turned down the condiments aisle...did he not see me? I went off in pursuit, but was hampered from doing so with any speed by the fact that my underwear had begun a rapid descent and I now had a roll of knicker nestling just under my butt cheeks. Thank God I was wearing trousers or they would have been round my knees! So, you can see why I was keen to get back to somewhere where I could try and retrieve them.

I eventually tracked him down and explained for the 10th time that the easiest way to find 3D glasses would be to ASK someone! And that we needed to leave the store NOW!

He asked the lovely girl on checkout. They had run out of the 3D glasses days before. All that searching for nothing - except an opportunity for me to say "I told you so"! He did get revenge though....I was sitting in the car taking a drink from a bottle of soda when he reversed the car rapidly and then slammed on the anchors. Oh, there was a lot of shouting! I had coke all over my scarf, jacket, decolletage and it renowned for its anti-ageing or spot fighting properties when applied externally I wonder? I mean, you can use it to clean toilets so it does have some non-drinking applications....

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