Saturday 7 November 2009

Who ya gonna call...

Thank Crunchie its Saturday! Its been another busy week at work. Fun times! My boss has been giving briefing sessions which I've been lining up. Poor bloke must be reciting them in his sleep by now! We've been going since mid-September. I've booked up nearly 500 folks onto sessions which is no mean feat given that a) no-one particularly wants to do it and b) once they've booked, they invariably want to change dates/times. Its like nailing jelly to the wall! It was well and truly fun times on Thursday though. The Boss called me just after 9am to say he had been stuck in traffic for 1 1/2 hours and had only just made it onto the M4. There was no way that he was going to make the first training session!! I had to leap into action and phone everyone to re-arrange. It certainly got me revved up and raring to go pretty quickly. I barely needed the usual caffeine kick...

Since The Boss has been doing the sessions I seem to be the new telephone hotline - thanks to his mantra of "If you're not sure - ask" . As he uses a paging service to take his calls and Gracy is 5 hours behind us it does rather seem that I'm No 1 on the calling circle!! "Who ya gonna call? Call Kerry!"

Most folks are absolutely lovely and very grateful for a little bit of advice and handholding. There is one woman who is just a git though. As I said to Gracy - all this woman does is phone to chew my ears off... "why can't I do this/surely its your job to do that/bitch moan bitch" (this translates as "I haven't done my job, so I'm going to blame you"). Inevitably I get a 10 minute tirade whenever she calls (and yet I still pick up the phone when she rings!) What can I say? My ears are obviously tasty morsels! And yet there is stony silence whenever we pull the rabbit out the hat for her...never a word of thanks. No salve for my abused ears!!

Its just as well that she is the absolute minority....and that she hasn't phoned before the vital cup of I-can't-deal-with-people-first-thing Liquid Will to Live!!!

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