Thursday 26 November 2009

Potential wardrobe malfunctions

Monday was exceedingly windy here which begs the question: why would a habitual trouser wearer choose to wear a full skirt to work? I don't know! I didn't look out the window when I got dressed! I was having severe problems walking across the open area from my office to the canteen. The wind was funnelling through the buildings...and my skirt was doing its very best to raise itself above my head Marilyn style. Not wanting to flash my butt at the office occupants I grabbed a large handful of material at one side and tried to maintain my dignity. Not easy when you're bent over like you've got a dowager hump, clutching your skirt!!

Tuesday was wet and windy - but I was in trousers - YAY! The wet portion of the weather was the problem... I got my heel stuck in between the brick paving and walked out of my shoe onto the wet pavement. YUCK!!

On Wednesday I wore a lovely wraparound blouse. I own a few of these, some of which require the addition of a camisole in order to contain the Twins. I didn't think this particular blouse was one of those, but a quick glance down revealed an expanse of boobage. Thankfully I was fully on top of this particular situation! I'd got as far as the kitchen door when I realised so I made a dash back upstairs to do a bit of rapid Twin containment!! After the knicker incident on Sunday you would have thought I'd had my share of wardrobe malfunctions...but there were a couple of very close calls!!

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