Sunday 26 August 2007

A busy weekend

It was stormy for quite few hours last night. It was on the news this morning as an apartment block was hit by lightening and caught fire not far from here. We had left our beer bucket (that we fill with ice to keep the beer cold during BBQ's) out in the yard to dry off after we emptied it of booze on Friday...we need to let it dry off again as there was about 5 inches of water in it from the rain yesterday!

We had a busy weekend. It's amazing how much you can get done when the alarm goes off at 6:30...even if you do snooze on for a little bit! We had errands to run yesterday morning, and had been to the post office, gone for coffee and dropped Stephen at the hair salon all by 10:30. Then we went round to Tysons Mall as I was in search of undies. We had a nice wander about the shops, had some lunch, watched a bit of the fashion show that was going on and then, as I could put off the inevitable no longer, I went in search of Macy's lingerie department. What a disappointment! Don't get me wrong...the department was huge and had every conceivable kind of long as you were a 34B or smaller. And I think you all know I am not a 34B! After about 30 minutes of searching the racks I did manage to find a bra in my size...and refused to buy it! This thing looked like something your granny would think twice about wearing! It had substantial steel reinforcing and straps so wide that you could have used them on the Forth suspension bridge!! I miss M&S (and I know I used to complain!) but their styles are so pretty compared to this... I was pretty hacked off by this time, which is not a good place to be when bra-shopping (you need to be in a happy place to begin with!) so we called it quits and drove home as I'd had the brilliant idea of walking along to the Torpedo factory to look in the galleries. I had forgotten that it was about a million degrees outside....

This was the perfect excuse for Stephen to suggest that instead of walking there, we jump in the lovely air conditioned car and drive to Falls Church where there is a guitar shop he wants to look at (yawn), but being very obliging I agreed. I had to use the "wife look" a couple of times when it looked like he was getting attached to the particularly expensive ones!

We went down to Morag's for a glass of wine and pizza last night and almost as soon as we got there we lost power for a few minutes due to the approaching storm. Lizzie was funny. She absolutely howled when we got there, and wouldn't leave Morag for a second. Simon had gone to the Redskins game, and she was being a bit clingy with Mommy. She doesn't like being left with babysitters, and she must have thought we were there to look after her whilst Morag went out too. After about 20 minutes she was fine, and toddled off to the playroom with Alison and Stephen to watch a DVD and was perfectly happy...until she realised that this might be a rouse and Mommy might have slipped out whilst she wasn't looking!! Oh, the howls! she scampered back down to check that Morag was still there. Back to smiles again!

I webcam'd with Mum this morning...and with Guy next door too! It was a bit surreal with Mum holding the camera to the window so Guy and I could have a chat!! Anyway it was my turn to wish I had spent more time doing my hair before I switched the webcam on!! Before long we'll be doing a full Hollywood-style makeover before each Skype session!!

We headed down to the Potomac Mills outlet shopping mall today. This place is huge! It was the first time we'd actually been there, rather than Ikea which is across the road. We were there for 5 hours and still only went in maybe a third of the shops! And I got bras - which weren't too industrial!! Yay - added bonus!! And some really nice Anne Klein tops (is she some relation of Calvin or something?). And a really lovely tall metal vase for ridiculously little money (about $20!). And a Versace tie for Stephen. And.... I was going to say I could have spent a fortune...but it was pretty cheap, so a fortune's worth of stuff would probably not have fitted in the car!!

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