Monday 13 August 2007

A true Scot

Sunday was shopping day! We popped along to World Market, Home Store and TJMaxx to pick up some more bits for the house....mirrors, prints - that sort of thing! I got a really nice thing in World Market, which is a deep box frame with a carved roundel mounted in the centre of it. Just the thing for the wall of the entrance hall which has brass roundels inlaid in the floor. It was only $40 which I thought was a bargain...until I went into the shop next door and found the exact same thing for $16!!!

A sudden wave of Scottishness swept over me....and despite Stephen's assurances that it was only a few dollars difference and that it didn't matter, and then his questioning "can you do that?", I went back to the car, retrieved the picture and took it back for a refund with a reassuring "Of course we can do that. This is America, the customer is always right". As I have a dislike of bagpipes, whisky and porridge it's reassuring to find that there is a flicker of true Scot in me! There is no way I was going to be done out of $24 without an argument!!

We got some other nice prints (but need more!)....I'm just waiting on Stephen getting round to putting them up. We need to go and buy picture hooks and a hammer...which will work as an excuse this week. If they are still waiting to be hung in 3 weeks time then you'll know the curse of Stephen has struck!!

I bought the most gorgeous pair of funky animal print shoes as well. Real killer heels!! (or possibly road-kill heels - geddit?!). It passed the time rather nicely whilst Stephen was in Best Buy looking for a web-cam...finally we are hooked up, so we web-cammed with Mum for 1/2 hour or so on Sunday. I must remember to give people warning before we's probably only fair to give them time to make sure that they are suitably made-up...and not just out the bath and sitting in their goonie!!!!

I made this mistake of going out to water our back yard at about 5pm yesterday...without spraying myself with repellent. I was only out for about 10 minutes, but I've picked up about 5 bites on each foot, a couple on each hand and a couple on my arms...and coupled with the 5 or 6 bites I got when I sat out on Sunday evening (with spray on!) I am once again in an agony of itchiness. I didn't sleep well last night as I was so itchy, and today I could scream with it. Needless to say it's making me a bit grumpy!! Stephen bought tropical strength 50% DEET repellent when he was back in the UK and I may have to use it, as the little b£$%^*&!s can obviously work through the 15% stuff I was using!! I had been lulled into a false sense of security! For the past week or so, I've not had any bites and Stephen has been the one to be bitten (which is a complete reverse of the usual situation)...

We also discovered on Sunday that Stephen's card limit doesn't seem to have increased either, the bank haven't done what they said they would, or they've increased mine and not his! I'm not in the mood today, so I'll need to call them tomorrow and try and work this out! It gets quite embarrassing when your card is constantly rejected!!

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