Thursday 30 August 2007

Wadder, wadder everywhere...

Honestly, I don't know where the days are going now I'm at work! I blink and suddenly it's Thursday... We went to a cool place last night after work, called Gravelly Point. It's a recreation area just off the GW Parkway and is directly under the flight path of the airport, right at the end of the runway. It was awesome to watch these 737's coming in to land, directly overhead and so low you can practically touch them! I promise we'll take the camera next time so you can see exactly what I mean...

The phantom pizza flinger was out with us again on Monday. It was a different restaurant, and only a slice this time rather than a few slices followed by the tray...but the net result was the same - embarrassment all round!! And this was Stephen's fault!! I discovered something when I was there (apart from the fact that Stephen has no co-ordination!)...if I asked for "a glass of iced water" they didn't know what I meant (I asked twice to make sure!), but when I gave in and asked for "a glass of iced wadder" one appeared instantly! Which was the reason I was really, really thirsty the last time I was in there! I asked about 3 times and nothing...but they understood Pinot Grigio so I was forced to have that instead!!

I've been trying to book a hotel somewhere for Labor Day weekend, but have obviously left it WAY too late!! I was hoping to get a B&B near Charlottesville, but there is nothing anywhere near. B&B's here are nothing like back home. They tend to be more expensive than the hotels, but are stuffed full of antiques and situated in superb locations, with superb service and food. I'm still looking, so we'll see where we end up. We might end up jumping on a flight somewhere, or we might end up doing some day trips...we'll have to see what comes up!

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