Thursday 15 January 2009

Brrrrrrr....its getting cold out there!

After a few relatively mild days where it has been about 5C, it has turned really cold here. Unusually we had a frost yesterday (its really dry in winter so we don't seem to get frosts) and I had to scrape the car - TWICE! I sprayed with this really good de-icer, did a perfunctory scrape as the de-icer had done its work instantly, got in the car and started it up, put on the wipers then had to get out and spray again as the whole windshield had frozen over again as soon as I had wiped. Damn!

This morning was actually colder, but not frosty. It was -5C when I left for work, but with windchill it felt like -15C. It really was bitterly cold. But not as cold as Int'l Falls in Minnesota which was showing an actual temperature of -35F which felt like -52F. I did the conversion. -52F is -47C. MINUS 47 Celsius!!!!! I say again...Minus 47 Celsius!!! I cannot conceive how cold that must be. These people must go to Antarctica for a bit of a warm getaway!!

The minus 5C outside translated into a rather nippy 12C in our bedroom when I woke up. We don't have a timer switch on the heating on our floor and its too noisy to leave on all night, so I have to dash out of bed, turn on the heat and then hightail it back to the cocoon of the covers as quickly as possible. I was out of bed for about 10 seconds this morning and my teeth were chattering. I got back under the covers and stayed there for about 3/4 hour until it was warm enough to get up. Of course, having to wait for the place to warm up means that I'm now setting my alarm to go off even earlier. Having not slept well (or at all) for the past 4 nights I wasn't chuffed when the alarm went off this morning when I'd just managed to get over after being awake half the night! POQI said I looked like a panda when I got to work and I should go home (if only that had worked out!) - and that was after a liberal application of make-up. You should have seen the shadows pre-concealer!!

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