Thursday 15 January 2009

Colin's leaving lunch

It was Colin's leaving lunch today. I cannot believe it was 6 months ago that Stephen and I collected him from Dulles and ran him to his apartment. It could have been weeks!! We are really going to miss him.

After a lot of debate we went to Legal Seafood's for lunch - it was delicious and oh-so-filling! We'd booked the table kinda late so we actually had two tables - one at the front (near the door) and one at the back (where it was warm!). After a little bit of back and forwards I sat between Colin and Lily. We definitely had the fun table!

After lunch we headed back to the office for cake. As it was really cold we thought that ice cream cake might not be a good idea. We didn't want to freeze from the inside as well as the outside! Tim had got a sponge cake from Corner Bakery which was rather good. Of course, this didn't go down well with Mr Wrong-kind-of-beer.... or Mr Wrong-kind-of-everything as perhaps I should call him now!!

Whilst we were all together Dawn took the opportunity to enquire who had cleaned the leftover beer from the baseball out of the kitchen and drunk the wine in the fridge (our emergency supply!). He denied having anything to do with the evaporating wine, but Mr Wrong-kind-of-beer did admit to slurping his way through the beer. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS???? This was the man who complained at great length about the very same beer being stale, nay downright dangerous....!!!!

We had all signed a t-shirt (something of a tradition for the returning graduates) and I had bought a rather nice photographic print in the Torpedo Factory at the weekend. I had been wandering round Old Town on Sunday trying to find something suitable and had got talking to a couple of artists in one of the galleries. Sadly they didn't have anything suitable, but we had a lovely chat. I then bumped into them about 20 minutes later when I was flicking through the prints at the Torpedo factory and they helped me pick out the best print.

Looking cool and posing reluctantly!

Cutting the cake

Looking a little emotional...

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