Saturday 25 April 2009

Didn't we have a lov-er-ly time the day we went to Evesham...

I had a lovely day on Friday. I took a day off work and Julie and I headed off to go plant shopping. Julie knew about a nursery near Evesham and we both had our shopping lists prepared. We stopped off en-route at Morrisons for a coffee. What a palarver! Would you believe that they had run out of cups? We had to wait quite a while whilst they washed them. The queue of hungry builders behind us was getting pretty long...

The nursery was great! We stopped in by the office on the way in and said "Hello, we're here" to the monosyllabic man behind the counter, then grabbed a basket each and went in search of the items on the list. There were about 6 polytunnels to look around and there wasn't much of a clue as to what was in each one. It was good fun searching through the ranks of pots for the correct 'flavour' of plant. Thankfully they were really well labelled. I was doing really well finding plants from Julies list, but not so well finding ones from mine!! When we had quartered the polytunnels and found all we could we headed back to the office to ask for help from monosyllabic man. Several of my choices were sold out, but he found a few of the things we were looking for and dashed off to get them for us. I asked him for a suggestion for something tall, white flowered and smelly as a substitute for the items that were sold out and he dashed off to get that too.

Julie was loading her plants into the boot when he was counting up my purchases. He explained that one of my irises was 3 quid because it had been sitting for 6 years in the mail order section. I laughed and said I was obviously drawn to it as it needed to be taken away and given a change of scene and a lovely new home. From that point on Mr Monosyllabic became Mr Garrulous!! He was chatting away like he hadn't spoken in years (perhaps he hadn't!) and even offered to carry my tray of plants out to the car! So I (or it could maybe have been the Twins) made a new friend!

We stopped in at Evesham Country Park as well. It has a nice collection of shops and a garden centre. Garden Centres here are no longer so much about plants and doing the garden - more about gift centres and outdoor living. Saying that, it was a really nice selection of things for the home...and we managed to pick up a few more plants at reasonable prices too. We had a nice lunch when we were there too - us as the coach loads of pensioners there for the lunchtime OAP special!

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