Wednesday 29 April 2009

Dream a little dream...

I have been keeping Stephen in stiches for the past few days when I wake and tell him about my weird and wacky dreams. There have been bizarre ones this week...the first (that I can remember bits of) was about going with friends to view a house which was on the market. It was a huge manor house and very run down. The ground floor was a bit grubby, but upstairs there were mushrooms growing on the walls and...wait for it...monkeys running around. Yes. I said monkeys!! I can see that this dream might be about moving back, and maybe wanting to make some changes to the house...but the monkeys??

The night after I dreamt that I was in a house somewhere and had to make lots of things out of wood and canvas, then I had to go somewhere else to see someone and was told to use the transporter (a bit like Harry Potter and the flue system!), then I was told I couldn't use it and had to get a taxi. I went out and flagged down a cab, which proceeded to drive through the drive-through Whole Foods supermarket - right through the middle of the aisles. (Will that idea take off I wonder?) At that point the alarm went off, so I could remember enough to recount it to a hysterical hubby.

I think Stephen is preparing the straitjacket for me....

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