Thursday 23 April 2009

We have a car!!!!

We have finally got our mitts on our new car! We have jumped through all the necessary hoops, found all the necessary bits of paper and gone through the handover process at the dealership. The salesman was probably driven to distraction today. He needed Stephen to phone to arrange the insurance, but Stephen was being elusive and then ran out of time. So I had to step in and make the calls - just as well my desk phone in work was finally connected today! When we got to the dealership Stephen chose that moment to forget about being in the UK and tried to turn into the forecourt on the right - into the path of the car trying to exit. Thankfully we all stopped with loads of space, but I did have a little shriek at Stephen! We then had to sign all the paperwork, before the very patient salesman (it HAS taken weeks to shift this car off the forecourt) could take me through all the features (automatic wipers and lights and things - v. swish!) and I could, very gingerly, drive off.

'Wow, the brakes are quite bitey' was my first thought as I gently touched them and then peeled my face off the windshield. My thought from then onward was basically "drive on the on the left...oh this is on the on the left...f'ing on the left...oopsie bit on the on the left...".

This is where we should unveil the new car with a leggy lovely draped across the hood...but in the absence of a leggy lovely you'll have to make do with me!

Here it is - our Audi A3
For you petrolheads I should give you some technical details...
it has 4 wheels, a steering wheel and and no clutch pedal.

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