Friday 20 July 2007

TV Delivery Day

I was awoken from my gentle slumber at 7:25 this morning by Stephen telling me that they were going to deliver the giant telly between 8am and 12 noon. Okay. It's time to get up then! 8am can mean anytime from 7:30 and I don't want to be caught in my jimjams!

The TV delivery men duly arrived, assembled the stand, brought in the TV, set it up, and then stood around looking at the back, pressing buttons on the remote and generally looking puzzled....I sensed something might not be quite right! It turns out the TV was a non-runner. Off they went to phone the office, and came back to say that they would deliver a replacement tomorrow. So yet another day to be spent sitting at home waiting for deliveries....

I spent some time after that catching up with paperwork. Scanning receipts to send back to the UK etc. Boring stuff, but I suppose it has to be done! I was getting to laptop hurling stage at one point when I was having difficulty transferring files, but I go there in the end and without breaking anything!

I've just heard about the terrible monsoon-like rain and flash flooding that is going on back in the UK. I'm slightly concerned as Mum was driving back from Edinburgh today, and I don't think she's going to get anywhere near home as all the roads near Leigh Sinton and Malvern (including the Motorways) are flooded. Stephen spoke to Guy who lives in the cottage next door to ours and the water was all the way up his drive and lapping at the front step of their house. Thankfully our house is higher up, so I'm hoping that we're okay. Apparently some areas had an inch of rain in an hour, and four inches over the course of the day. I've left messages for mum to call me as soon as she switches her mobile phone back on - and we'll see where in the UK she managed to get to!


Unknown said...

Malvern is cut-off from the rest of the world at the moment (or is it the other way round ?) Just lent a friend a bike so he can cycle home - not sure if he'll make it home alive which would be a tragedy ................ the bike cost £500!

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