Monday 11 June 2007

Bye bye handbags...I'll miss you!

I'm bereft! The air shipment has gone and my lovely handbags are now in a box and en-route to Washington. Farewell my lovelies, have a good trip...Bon Voyage, Bye....bye. That's it - they've gone! And my shoes too...and the majority of my clothes - so apologies to the office if I get a bit whiffy in the next couple of weeks...joking, joking!! I've got enough to keep me going, and even an evening dress if I'm really pressed for something to wear. It might be a bit formal for the office, but as we have dress down Friday I don't see why we can't have dress up Tuesday!!

I got back late from the office and I was too tired to be bothered schlepping round Waitrose so Stephen and I headed round to the Fox for some dinner....which means I'm feeling the double guilt of having eaten less healthily than I ought (chips - need I say more!), but it also took ages (mostly because we were sipping large drinks!) and so I haven't packed any boxes tonight! There will be wholesale panic in the Spark household tomorrow evening and I'll be randomly throwing kitchen stuff in boxes to make space for Mum's stuff!

It's not been an unproductive night though. We're going to London next week for our interview at the Embassy and as we need to go down the night before anyway (it's a 9am appointment) we're going to go early and do the tourist stuff in London. I've just booked tickets for the London Eye, Theatre tickets and have made tentative e-mail enquiries at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants about lunch. We might end up in Wimpey, but at least I'll have tried!!

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