Thursday 7 June 2007


Oh dear! What a start to the day we had...we were driving into work together, got caught in the usual Malvern traffic chaos (people drive like loons here, with no concept of space, distance or other road users!) and were sitting in stationary traffic, when someone hit us up the bumper. This made Stephen rather unhappy as you can imagine! Especially as we are trying to sell our cars in preparation for our move.... Anyway, he pulled over, as did the lady who hit him, and surveyed the damage. Thankfully it wasn't too bad. It hasn't broken the paint, or badly scratched it, or dented it - but you can see where the impact was. The lady who hit us burst into tears and said "other people would let me away with this" which did make me wonder how many times she'd done this, and whether hitting a BMW 645 was her preferred braking method! You know..."I wonder what this pedal in the middle does?"

The day did get better! I was busy though. My "to-do" list was getting longer by the minute and I didn't seem to be making much headway. Probably down to the fact I'm still not feeling 100% and I REALLY wanted to take a nap for most of this afternoon! I finally managed to throw off the mental duvet with the help of Lucozade and zip through the pile of things I had to do (its amazing what you can do on a surge of sugar and "glucose energy"!). I even had time to swap a couple of e-mails with fellow Big Brother addict Sarah. Every year we say we're not going to watch and then 10 minutes into the launch night we're totally hooked! I'm not sure how I'm going to cope without my nightly fix, but at least I know Sarah will keep me up to date with the latest happenings!

We're getting "tooled up" at work in preparation for the move. Our laptops are off having VPN installed (which lets us connect to work e-mail from a remote location), and BlackBerry's arrive tomorrow. exciting! Well, for Stephen anyway....he goes a little bit loopy for the latest technology. Stand by for the reports on TV shopping in a few weeks time...we'll be hosting the great debate "Is a 90" Plasma TV too big by far?" I'll let you decide which way I'll be arguing!!

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