Thursday 21 August 2008

Advertising space

You know in the UK you have adverts for Cillit Bang (or whatever its called) where a man comes out and shouts "Hello, I'm Barry White" (or whatever he's called) "and I'm here to tell you about...". Well we have the US equivalent where a man comes out and shouts "Hello I'm Harry Black" (or whatever he's called!) "and I'm here to tell you about Kabooom". This chap advertsises all sorts of home and car cleaning products. He's on the TV all the time. It therefore didn't surprise me to see him in another advert...but it took me a while to realise that he wasn't shouting about the amazing powers of another cleaning prodct. He was advertising life insurance!! It was a bit of a stretch in the credibility stakes!

I miss the clever and funny adverts you get in the UK. They just don't have the same thing here at all! The adverts are all rather earnest. And they aren't scared to rubbish the competition! There is no subtle suggestion of a carton design for the rival product. No! Its all extremely direct! "Here is why Brand A is better than Brand B".

We also get a constant stream of adverts for medication which you should "ask your doctor to prescribe". The advertisers are also compelled by law to list the contra-indications of these medications - usually read at auctioneer speed at the end of the advert! Some are rather serious, including the ultimate contra-indication... It would certainly put me off taking them! We can cure your ingrown toenail, but the tablets could kill you, addle your brain or make your arm drop off. Hmmmmm....let me think about that one!

If ever you need more information on any er, how shall I put this? - gentlemen's medications, can I suggest picking up a copy of Golf Magazine? It cannot have much space for articles on golf as every TV advert suggests you buy a copy for more details on its product!

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