Wednesday 20 August 2008

Oh, the power of the remote!

There is a small upside to not having my protector here....I can watch what I want on the TV! I am not normally allowed control of the remote, and he is a complete remote control commando! If I glance away from what I'm watching, even for a second, the TV is immediately turned over to baseball/soccer/football/golf/Olympics...whatever sport is in season. Actually, in season doesn't matter. They show repeats of all sports all year. You can watch football and ice hockey in summer and golf and baseball in winter. I was flicking through channels on Saturday and there was sport on practically every channel! I had to get to the religious channels before I found something non sport related!

I have been on a mission to watch as many chick-flicks as I can before he gets back! You know...the kind of thing that would make him run screaming from the room, or reach for the sickbag! He still brings up the time that I made him watch Neverland...I was moved practically to tears and he was...well, he was not! So far this week I've watched soppy, sugary, emotional, musical, uplifting films every night and have been loving it!

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