Sunday 31 August 2008

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!! How about you, you, you?

After our early night on Friday we were up early on Saturday. After the usual flaffing around packing cameras, guide books, maps etc we were ready to hit the road. We were going to the Zoo!!!!

Stephen is getting grumpy with our satnav lady, as she seems to want to take us the most tortuous route possible to our destination. She did the same yesterday - wanted to take us round the whole of the I-395 when it was easier to go across Memorial bridge. Stephen ignored her nagging when she was telling him to exit and she eventually saw things his way!!

The National Zoo is lovely. We wandered round for nearly 3 hours and saw the elephants, lions, tigers and of course, the main attraction, the pandas! Here are some Panda stats: They eat 60lbs of bamboo a day, and poop back out 40lbs of that (SO much fibre!). Because they eat a diet so heavy in fibre they're lacking somewhat in the energy front, so they sleep around 17 hours a day (lucky, lucky, lucky things!). They are in the mood for lurve around 3 days a year...which is why the panda population is endangered. Apparently they show the male panda "Panda Porn" (in his brief waking moments) to make sure he has some idea what to do when the Mrs is in the mood!!!

The lady panda was up and about and beginning to eat her way through the 60lbs of bamboo, but the bloke was flat on his back and sound asleep!! Very thoughtfully he had decided to take his nap directly in front of the glass of the enclosure, so we got a great view of him!

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