Sunday 3 August 2008

Irish eyes are smilng

I was flicking through the local paper last night when I noticed that there was an Irish Festival going on in Oronoco Park today. It promised the local pipe band and Irish foods. We've seen the pipe band enough not to be too excited about that, but the thought of Irish food...well perhaps that might mean bacon and sausages sandwiches...

As it was hot and humid and Oronoco Park is about a 30 minute walk away, we parked the car in Cameron St and walked the rest of the way, after dropping into Starbucks for an iced tea (me), and an Americano (him). We got to Oronoco Park and there was...nothing there!!

Never mind, lets take some photos says my own personal David Bailey, pulling out his new super camera. I wandered off a few feet to admire the view, only to have my attention pulled back around by the cursing coming from Stephen. It seems that somehow he managed not to put the battery in his camera!! Luckily I had mine in my handbag...

Oronoco Bay Park sans Irish Festival

A car. Okay - a Ferrari....

Founders Park - the other side of the Marina

We assumed that the festival was maybe Sunday, so we walked back along to King Street. We could hear someone singing Irish songs but assumed that maybe he'd turned up on the wrong day too! It wasn't until we got back to the marina we discovered that the Irish Festival was in full swing - on the grass behind Starbucks!!

There was someone singing Irish songs, the local Irish pubs (except O'Connells) were represented, there were stalls selling all sorts of Irish souvenirs, and of course Guinness. The Irish food that was promised turned out to be Hawaiian shaved ice, cotton candy, BBQ chicken, hot dogs and burgers. About as regionally authentic as the food at the Scottish festival last year with included crabcakes and BBQ!! Oh well, its just as well that I met my Embassy friend for lunch and stocked up with another pound of bacon from the shop!! She arrived for lunch with a cooler packed with bacon, sausages and black pudding for us all - there were about 15lbs of pork products in there!!! We love Heather!!

Getting ready to audition for Riverdance

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