Thursday 2 October 2008

I miss M&S

Its been a bit of a manic week so far (is my needle stuck? This record is getting old!), but I'll update on all the goings on later...

I went shopping at Potomac Mills with Stephen's mother and brother on Sunday. They had been going outlet mad when they were here! I think they visited every outlet mall within a 100 mile radius!!! We didn't have long down there, so we split up and headed in different directions. I headed to the nearest shop selling undies as one of my TCU's (twins containment units) had lost its scaffolding and needed to be replaced.

I scoured the store for my size and headed off to the changing rooms to try them on. They weren't delicate things. These were scaffolding enough to support the construction of the Freedom Tower, and had a definite look of something that your gran would have paired with a sturdy girdle. But needs must. This is the best that a girl of my ample charms can get in this country, so stop sniveling woman and get on with it. I tried the first one one. It felt a little strange. I looked down and....the Twins had gone!!! They had been both simultaneously merged into one (and they were never meant to be an only child) and tucked under my arms. I no longer had ta-tas. I had a speed hump!! Now I'm not looking for something that gives me cleavage like Jordan, but I would like a TCU that at least acknowledges that I have Twins. Do not ignore my children!!!!

The rest of the shopping was better and a lot less dispiriting. I got a cute pair of Ugg clones so I'm going to have toasty toes this winter!! And I set off every alarm in the Mall going IN to the stores! My plethora of electronic equipment (camera, cell phone) is apparently enough to trigger all the alarms. Oops!

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