Wednesday 3 December 2008

Gas 'er up

"Stephen, pass me that brochure will you? I think we should trade the sensible and practical Escape for a Hummer V26 with 42 cylinders, 80 valves, 9,000 horses and some torques..."

Gas prices have dropped - again! We've gone from a high of $4.50 in the summer to a new low of $1.89...and that is in the DC area. How cheap must it be in the outlying places??

Stephen has been moaning that the Escape is tiny. Having been back in the UK I think we can say it's tiny here in the US. In the UK it would be a muckle big beastie! You'd never be able to drive the Expedition (its bigger brother) in the UK. For a start it would take 30 quids worth of fuel to get it to the end of the drive, and for another the roads are too narrow. Trying to get the behemoth round the narrow, twisty roads of Malvern would be hysterical to watch! I feel a Top Gear challenge coming on....

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