Wednesday 17 December 2008

Happy Holidays

Christmas cards - sorry, I mean Holiday Cards - are the bane of my life at the moment. I have still not managed to get to a post office when there hasn't been a 2 mile queue, so your cards are going to be late. Very late.

Plus I've had to deal with the squabbling from the children in the office which is driving me spare.....

We had decided to follow UK corporate policy and send e-cards this year (very 21st Century) which prompted a whole round of narky e-mails. Then we were told that some companies are telling staff not to open e-cards for security reasons, so a last minute decision was made to order cards and do a mailing. I sent out an e-mail asking for their address lists and limiting people to 30 per person. Mr Wrong-kind-of-beer immediately took exception to this and demanded more - operations people were not deserving of cards and all the allocation should be given to business development staff. I sent him off with a sharp look and a sharp word. Of course, I should have realised that, aside from the one or two people who took a sensible approach, I was going to get more grief. We had ordered 400 cards. I got a list with 235 names on it today. It has been sent back with a request to trim it ever so slightly!!! Mr Wrong-kind-of-beer is not letting his demands for more go. Tim and I are now imagining ways in which to reduce the Holiday card requirement on a more permanent basis...most of the ways involve sharp knives, blunt implements, wet concrete and hitmen....

Please note that I talk about the Holiday card. You would not believe how difficult it is to find cards that say Happy Christmas (although after a lot of searching I did). Tim and I actually had a debate yesterday on what kind of non-denominational sticker we could use to seal the envelopes, and settled on a snowflake. In the UK we'd have bought something "Christmassy" and not cared whether it showed a Christmas tree or not. Not here!! We don't do Christmas ...Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are all around the same time, so (I guess for fear of offending people) we celebrate the Holiday season. Merry Hanukwanzaa one and all!!

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