Thursday 18 September 2008

Its just another Manic Monday...and Tuesday...and Wednesday!!

After all the to-ing and fro-ing last week over this US visit by the UK person I had thought all was sorted out, and we could plan our vaycay to follow on from the end of the visit. Not so! I got a call on Monday to say that the visit wasn't long enough now and he COULD stay over the weekend and into early the following week. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I have now shelved thoughts of a week in Southern California and a trip to Vegas to see Elton John. It is filed in the "all too difficult" bin where it will no doubt languish.... Its a real bummer, but these thing happen I guess....

I now have a 2 page To-do list. I've decided that they're almost not worth having as its extremely dispiriting when it gets longer rather than shorter! I feel like I'm slowly beginning to get back on track...I actually managed to score a few things off the list today! WooHoo!! It has been a manic fortnight, but it seemed to slow down a little tiny bit this afternoon. It was the first day this week that I didn't have to break open the emergency dairy milk!!!!

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