Saturday 27 September 2008

Smelling gorgeous

We're just back from a trip to Tysons Mall. I popped into Macy's to buy some perfume and made out like a bandit!! I was looking for Escada and was about to ask an assistant to help me find it when she pre-empted me and thrust a card with a new fragrance into my hand. It was gorgeous!! I agreed that I was going to take some and she was delighted! So much so that she opened the sample drawer and loaded me up with loads of samples - and not the itty bitty phials. No. I was loaded up with travel sized bottles (2.5ml size) of about 4 perfumes. As we were walking towards the counter to pay I could see there was some shop assistant eyebrow semaphore going on. When I got there they gave me an YSL make up bag with shower gel and body lotion to complement the perfume. Was I the first person to buy it today? Did I win the perfume jackpot? Whatever it was I was very happy with my gorgeous perfume and free goodies!

They are really good here at giving you freebies when you buy cosmetics. For a start there is always one of the companies offering you a free gift. And there is none of this UK nonsense that you have to buy two things, and one has to be perfume or skincare in order to qualify. Nope. If you buy a couple of eye pencils you'll get the gift. If you buy something more expensive - like the skincare - then they'll open the sample drawer and chuck stuff into your bag. If you buy two skincare items and they have a gift going, and you ask, then they'll happily give you two gift sets without batting an eye. They are not the perfectly made-up ice maidens you have in the UK who guard the free samples with their lives and make you feel like they are dispensing a huge favour when they bestow a single sample upon you after 10 minutes of pleading on your part.

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